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Your gift will allow children victims of the war to «breathe» away from the war. Any gift is important.

​A few examples of donations:

  • 1 day of respite stay for 1 child: 100 €.

  • 1 day of transplanted class for 1 child: 80 €.

  • 1 week of respite stay for 1 child: 600 €.

  • 1 week of transplanted class for 1 child: 500 €.


  • 1 respite stay of 3 weeks for 1 child: 1.800 €.

  • 1 transplanted class of 4 weeks for 1 child: 2.000 €.


  • 1 bus transportation for 1 child for respite stay or a transplanted class: 375 €.

  • 1 bus transporting 40 children for respite stays or transplanted classes: 15.000 €.


  • 1 respite stay for 40 children for 3 weeks: 72.000 €.

  • 1 transplanted class for 40 children for 4 weeks: 80.000 €.

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